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Friday Fictioneers – Stairs

21 March, 2014

Ahoy to all those aboard the Good Ship FriFic! Capn Rochelle has brought us one of her own pics for this leg of the ongoing voyage in search of literary treasure:


I’m not sure my 100 words count as a story in that they don’t have a beginning, middle and end, but here they are nonetheless:


Our mothers always knew the truth. However ingenious our excuses, however inventive, we were always found out. We believed they had supernatural abilities, were as omnipotent as any higher powers.

It was only when we grew older that we realised the metal staircase echoed our voices throughout the building. The childhood schemes and fabrications we whispered on the ground floor, below stairs, were broadcast clearly to listening adult ears.

Footsteps, too, were undisguised. Wives knew of husbands’ returns, and served evening meals. Of milkmen’s or postmen’s deliveries, and opened their doors. And of rent collectors’ rounds, and hid silently indoors.



  1. Ah, the disillusionment of adulthood vs the freedom and wonder of childhood. Who wants to grow up anyway?

  2. Growing up and learning just how adults knew what you were up to is so sad. It was much better believing in their superior abilities! Good story! 🙂 Nan

    • It’s like finding out how a magician does a trick – on one level satisfying to work out but on another it shatters innocence that can’t be rebuilt

  3. Dear RG,

    Actually, there is a beginning, middle and end to your piece. And you did a good job, I might add. 😉



  4. An enjoyable read.:-)

  5. Looked like a little story to me – from the perspective of the elevator kind of … but them, I’m just a jack-leg writer, so what would I know. 😉 My favorite part was about how children interpreted life and then came to realize the ‘truth’ as they grew up.

  6. Quite a thoughtful account of a building and it’s community. Full of real life. Nicely done.

  7. I was also thinking of a magician’s tricks, which are more fun to believe in as magic (even when you know they aren’t) than to find out how they really work. I remember when I was teaching that students didn’t all get peripheral vision (which was a very useful thing.) 🙂 I like your vignette.


  8. Clever and original use of the prompt. A fond and nostalgic look back at childhood and family using the stairs as the central focus. Very well written.

  9. Sarah Ann permalink

    The loss of innocence. This definitely had beginning, middle and end and you covered so many lives and experiences too. Really enjoyed reading your piece.

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