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Friday Fictioneers – Creatures

7 June, 2013

I am always grateful to Rochelle for her hard work in running FriFic and selecting such wonderful pics. This week‘s is a belter:

and my 100 words pretty much wrote themselves, although I did have to polish them a bit. Feel free to commentify.



“Moving on,” Gabriel said impatiently. He double-clicked and the agenda projected onscreen changed to ‘Day Six’. “He wants to hear more thoughts on Land Creatures,” he said, “any suggestions?”

With a cough, a shy intern raised a hand. All eyes turned.

“Yes, you,” Gabriel pointed with his pen, “you have something?”

“Well, I’ve been freeforming… ,” he turned his laptop to face his colleagues. “I call it a Zebigeraffant,” he said proudly. The room waited.

Gabriel lowered his glasses, glared over the frames.

“And I thought your crazy ‘unicorn’ idea last week was a low,” he sighed. “Any serious suggestions?”



  1. An angelic story. 🙂


  2. hey! i think i saw one of those Zebigeraffants down in the Pine Barrons in South Jersey, the one I saw was standing beneath a ginormous pine tree with the Jersey Devil and why am i referencing local urban legends in a Brit-blog? 😀

  3. Also, waiting (im)patiently for an early Saturday Smile 😛

  4. I saw the pic in my reader, and I completely blanked, though I was curious how it could be any sort of cohesive story. Your post was a pleasant surprise. Nicely done. God would approve. 😉 (Wonder who their tech-guy is when their laptops crash?)

    • Funny how ideas sometimes come and sometimes dont!
      As for computers and such – theyre the work of the devil 😉

      • Agreed! (I secretly think tech-guys have a stash of voodoo pins in their office, and dummy/pincushion computers….)

      • Haha i think youre right and i love that image! have you noticed how it’s always the same people who gave IT issues? No coincidence i feil

      • As a tech guy I can confirm that we do indeed keep voodoo pins in our offices, but not for the purposes of actual voodoo. We mostly just use them to pretend to stab the users who constantly get PEBKAC errors. …pretend because really stabbing would likely result in jail time, no matter how warranted.

        Note: PEBKAC = problem exists between keyboard and chair. Also referred to as an ID 10 T (idiot) error.

      • Haha! I will have to remember PEBKAC 🙂

  5. Well, someone came up with some pretty crazy looking real animals – the platypus for example? Even the elephant’s pretty daft. So why not? Very imaginative 🙂

  6. Helena Hann-Basquiat permalink

    Best line: “Well, I’ve been freeforming… ,” he turned his laptop to face his colleagues. “I call it a Zebigeraffant,” he said proudly.

    Angels in Armani suits and power ties, smelling of Dolce & Gabbana, giving PowerPoint presentations and sipping lattes from Starbucks — all at the dawn of time.
    As the Doctor would say: Timey-wimey.

  7. Ha! Any serious suggestions…. Nicely done.

  8. Figures that animals were worked out by committee. Look at the Platypus. I loved the word, “Zebigeraffants” that you came up with. Brilliant; fun story too.

    • Thanks for reading and for commenting. the word wrote itself when i saw the pic but i feel it wont be the last time i use it, it rolls off the tongue so easily!

  9. Dear TRG,

    I’m making a list of the names this critter’s received this week. Very clever story. Glad you linked this week. 😉



  10. Great amusing write with lots of content! Fantastic descriptions.

  11. Too bad he had to go through the middle man; God mighta liked his creature; If not this, surely the unicorn.

  12. It’s hard apparently to things through angelic R&D. Great story.

  13. RG I like the story so much. That Gabriel didn’t want to follow the rules with blind obedience like most angels, did he???

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  1. Friday Fictioneers: The Gift | Alastair's Blog
  2. Friday Fictioneers – Almost | The Reclining Gentleman
  3. Friday Fictioneers – Bee | The Reclining Gentleman
  4. Friday Fictioneers – Dolphin | The Reclining Gentleman

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