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Friday Fictioneers – Wine

26 September, 2014

It wasn’t the most exciting boxing match. Very little was happening when suddenly Red Corner swung a huge right hand, knocking Blue Corner to the floor. As Blue landed on his back, the referee started to count. Red paced and watched, Blue rolled and twitched.
“Eight, Nine, Ten,” the referee counted. The bell rang, Red raised his arms in triumph.
“Eleven, twelve, thirteen,” the referee went on, oblivious. Blue gathered himself and stood.
“Referee,” he said.
“Twenty one, twenty two,” the official went on, “sorry pardon?”
“The fight’s over,” Blue said, “you can stop counting me out now.”
“Counting you?” the referee replied, “no, I was counting my words. I need another seventy eight till my FriFic is finished.”

This is the prompt Rochelle sent us this week:


and I didn’t need to enter the ring to find 100 words in reply…



‘You have all this wine,’ Karen insisted, ‘and you only look at it.’

David sighed. ‘These are rare and valuable bottles.’

‘But you never drink any.’

‘It would have to be a very special occasion.’

‘It’s immoral. All the suffering and starving in the world and you spend hundreds on wine you won’t even open.’

‘You don’t understand.’

‘No, and I never will. I don’t feel I know you any more.’


‘You’ve changed. I think we need time apart.’

David watched her walk away. Her words stayed.

He pulled a bottle from the rack and reached for his corkscrew.


  1. Dear TRG,

    This rolled to a fine conclusion. Very well done. May I have another?



  2. Dear TRG,

    Her words may have stayed but don’t seem to have made much of an impression. Your story on the other hand will leave a lasting impression. Well done.



  3. You had me going there, at the beginning. Very clever!

    If he keeps opening bottles, soon he might not remember her words at all.

  4. AHHH! wonderfully unexpected end beat. Kudos to you!

  5. Love the end so much

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