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Friday Fictioneers – Brothers

3 March, 2017

A Suitable Boy. Lord of the Rings. Clarissa. War And Peace. What do all these books have in common? Classics? Probably. Epics? Some say. Unputdownable? Could be. I’ve never read them? True. But what I had in mind was this – they’re all really really long. And as such, would never be allowed to appear in a FriFic post.

Because when Rochelle‘s email comes a-pingin’ into the inbox and we all start a-writin’ in response to the prompt pic we only get 100 words to begin, middle and end our fiction.

Here’s this week’s pic, one of Rochelle’s own:clouds-above-the-trees


If you want to read everyone’s literary output, pay a visit to Frogtopia where we all share.  And then, if you fancy it, you can read my story too. Here it is:


When we were young, strangers always asked if my brother and I, a year apart, were twins. But our similarity was only skin-deep.

“You’re as different as sunshine and showers,” our Mum said. He was quieter, preferring the more scholarly indoor life, while I was happier outside, exploring, imagining. On camping holidays he saw every cloud as gathering storms, demanding to go home, but even the heaviest rainfall couldn’t persuade me to abandon the tents.

Now though, as adults, our differences are our strengths; I am an actor, he my agent and accountant. A family business we have built together.



  1. Terrific story. Differences are important. A nice tale of brotherly relations!!

  2. A reminder that only by pooling many people’s skills do we achieve success

  3. They stood back to back then walked in a circle! Excellent.

    My 100 words

  4. Different strengths are necessary to form a solid union. Well told.

  5. Dale permalink

    I love this! So often you hear of twins loathing each other or being so “the same” they could be interchangeable. Proof that we need diversity to succeed.

  6. I like how you brought this full circle.

  7. Life Lessons of a Dog Lover permalink

    I loved the line “You’re as different as sunshine and showers,” our Mum said. This had a nice easy feel that belied the tension between the brothers.

  8. Dear TRG,

    Nothing like capitalizing on differences. Well done.



    PS I’m guessing they don’t go on camping trips together.

  9. gahlearner permalink

    Brilliant and very insightful. Acknowledging and appreciating differences makes us stronger.

  10. Respect for everyone’s talents and viewpoints because the parts make the whole. Nicely done

  11. michael1148humphris permalink

    Loved how you developed this.

  12. It’s nice that they are so close, even though they are opposites.

  13. Relationships are definitely stronger when people bring different things into it.

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