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Friday Fictioneers – Decay

28 August, 2014

Rochelle may be on a road trip, but the prompt pic email isn’t, and the Friday Fictioneers write on! I have been doing Frific long enough to recognise this prompt from when Madison sent it two years ago:



and I have written 100 new words to go with its second outing…


The fruit on the bramble bush by the gate post was the first indication that something was wrong. He never left the blackberries long enough to spoil – either they were picked to be eaten or preserved, or they were removed, tidied, disposed.

His labrador sensed our arrival and barked from the rear garden. He bounded round to the front of the house to greet the visitors. His coat was muddied and matted from inattention but his eyes and body seemed healthy, he was eating.

Our knocks went unheard at the front door, and we entered, apprehensive.

The stench reached us.


  1. Very suspenseful. I love it!

  2. Lovely (simply) So how are you this fine morning?

  3. Would love to know what they saw!

  4. Ergh! I think I know what the labrador’s been living off. Bad dog!

  5. “He was eating”. Excellently understated horror – well done!

  6. He was eating indeed. Great story-telling.

  7. Oh! Got the dog thing! Yuck and well done.

  8. Dear TRG, Great gory story. Poor doggie – he has to eat something. Good job! Nan 🙂

  9. RG, Ewww! I didn’t get the “dog thing” until I read the comments. I think I know what they found and don’t want to dwell on it. This was well written as usual, but I’ll be glad when we get a new prompt. I’ve had enough of this one. Well done. 🙂 —Susan

  10. Dear RG,

    Just riffling through you site. 😉 You are right. This was a prompt that stymied a few FF’rs into radio silence that week. I couldn’t resist sharing it in my recent absence.
    As for your story, I can only imagine where the stench is coming from and what the dog’s been eating. Chilling.



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