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Friday Fictioneers – Memories

16 June, 2017

It’s been a busy week here at Reclining Towers so finding time to write in response to Rochelle‘s prompt email and the pícture there in

from Dale Rogerson has been a struggle this week. In times past if I wasn’t feeling inspired I would have shown the picture to the infinite number of monkeys living in the spare room and see what they came up with but, as good as their work was, the neighbours complained about the noise and the smell of bananas so I had to let them go. Plus the carpet cleaning bill was a drain on my bank account.

So I’ve gone back to the old skool method of writing to order. There’s nothing like an impending deadline to make you come up with something.

If you want to read everyone else’s more considered and well crafted FriFics, hop on over to Frogtopia. And if you fancy reading mine, keep scrolling down….



“It was a clear moonlit night,” you tell everyone, “I knew that first second I would marry her.” You smile, the perfect story.

At first I remembered differently. For three nights you were drunk and ignored me. You only wanted me after the Portuguese holiday rep slapped you and you had to try elsewhere. But you kept telling me I mis-remembered until I doubted myself and believed you.

When we married I thought I was more than your wife, that I was my own person. But you kept telling me I’m worthless, lucky to have you. Until I believed you.


  1. Dale permalink

    Oh! That was brilliantly done! No way the monkeys could have achieved this. No way at all.

  2. Michael B. Fishman permalink

    There’s a lot of story in these 100 words. Nice job!

  3. Evil guy. Now I hope she finds a way out!

  4. Life Lessons of a Dog Lover permalink

    Such heartbreak in 100 words. Well crafted.

  5. The stories we tell ourselves can be so diferent from others’ versions of the same event. That’s a source of eternal fascination to me

  6. Brilliantly done and sadly the way so many relationships go

  7. Dear TRG,

    I really want to slap her jerk of a husband. You did a fine job without the monkeys. But the neighbors really should mind their own business. Well done.


    Rochelle of Frogtopia

  8. Oh, this is very sad and too often played out. Well done!

  9. I hope that he drowns… she would be very believable as mourning widow… then she can marry a nice Portuguese man…

  10. How sad. I hope that she can see him for what he is and get away from him. Nobody deserves to live like that.

  11. How horrible! Not the writing of course, but your character. You’ve done well to have us loathe him.

  12. Yikes! Threw me for a loop there. You’re right … things can be accomplished under deadlines pretty well.

    Five out of five carpet cleaning bills with the promise of them going back to their habitat — the TV programming department.

  13. If I had ever said such a foolish thing to my wife, she’d have hit me and then walked out. I think that’s probably the correct response.

  14. What a nasty person. When he’s really tired of the situation he may try to ‘gaslight’ her. Good writing, RG. —- Suzanne

    • Thanks for reading Suzanne and your always kind comments. I think he may have already started that process but hopefully she has not yet succumbed

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