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Friday Fictioneers – Huldufólk

11 August, 2017

Ah, Wednesday. It can mean only one thing.

Well, in the summer it means two things as it also means there will be rain and the cricket I watch and tweet commentate on will be cancelled. But predominantly, it means Rochelle‘s email will arrive in the morning. This week didn’t disappoint. It rained heavily all day, and this picture, courtesy of FF regular CE Ayr duly inned into the pingbox:

I’m sure you all know the routine by now. Click here to pay a visit to the frog who guards everyone’s stories. Then, if you have time, read mine below.
Thanks for reading, tip your waitress, leave via the giftshop.



For months, those hired to build the bypass waited, claiming overtime while security cleared the woods of human obstacles.

When the last protester’s chain was cut, the last concrete boulder broken, work could begin.

An elderly woman approached the foreman.

“You can’t build here,” she said in an unplaceable Scandinavian accent, “huldufólk live inside the great Rock. They won’t allow it.”
The workmen laughed, shooed her away.

The first day, one truck wouldn’t start. Day two, a reversing accident broke a worker’s leg. Day three, workers downed tools when a computer glitch halted their wages.

The woman watched, and smiled.


  • Author’s note: I’ve never seen the Huldufólk, but I’ve seen where they live. And I’ve seen the bends in the roads, put there specifically to avoid disturbing them. Real? Imaginary? I couldn’t say. But Iceland, a country more in touch with and respectful of its nature, certainly takes them seriously.




  1. I liked the huldufolk

  2. Martin Cororan permalink

    Seems legit!

  3. Very resourceful and dare i say, revengeful people are these huldufolk. Good writing.

  4. Wow, what a great take on the prompt, magical, impish, leprechaun type people, I guess. I have not googled btw.

  5. Great tale. She wasn’t kidding.☺

  6. Don’t mess with the Huldufolk.

  7. I do like the old lady – she tried.

  8. Ha! P
    “Progress” lost that round 🙂

  9. Well, she did warn them! Nice one.

    Click to read my FriFic

  10. Dale permalink

    I love the Huldufolk. And in all honesty, those workers laughed off the old woman’s warnings. What did they expect?

  11. Life Lessons of a Dog Lover permalink

    Loved this mystical tale and the fact that the Huldufolk won. For some reason it reminds me of a tale a friends father told them about the trolls that ran in front of cars at night to turn on the lights on the guard rails.

  12. Love the Elderly Woman and she is right!

  13. Dear RG,

    They were forewarned. 😉 Good one.



  14. gahlearner permalink

    I’ve seen several documentaries about the huldufolk and how Iceland works with it. Whatever works, I say. Great retelling.

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