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Saturday Smile – 18th May

18 May, 2013

It’s the weekend. That’s a good reason to smile. And scattered through life are many other little, simple pleasures. Here are a few I have noticed this week:


  • Being given vouchers by the supermarket which are for things you actually buy
  • Getting to 40 points for the season
  • Saying “harrumph” as you cough
  • Not logging onto Facebook for a whole day and surviving


What has turned your frown upside down lately? Tell Uncle TRG below, or write your own Saturday Smile post and link back.


  1. Uncle TRG? That sounded so dirty in my head. Hm… Let me see.

    Having a great week in a new city
    Meeting someone interesting to play with
    Getting boxes from my mother full of stuff I needed.

  2. Lets see, what has managed to make me smile lately?

    It’s taking me way too long to come up with even one thing. (try harder!)
    Ok, how ’bout this; WordPress.
    That may sound like nothing to some but to me and the way my last few weeks has been, writing here and finding and reading so much wonderfulness has been my only sanity.

    Because today I too am getting boxes from my Mother full of stuff only they will be full of my Mom’s clothes and things to donate. Tomorrow will be one month since she left this world. Damn, I’m sorry, I should delete this comment because it’s not smiley.

    No, I won’t delete and leave it at this: I am smiling right now because I found your blog just now. And I am taking that as a sign of goodness to come.

    Thank you Uncle TRG (hee, couldn’t resist), you managed to turn my frown upside down. For real 😀

    • Hi Joanne, thanks for commenting and for the follow.
      I am so sorry for your loss and I am sending you a bug hug \__0__/
      I know how hard it is to lose your Mum, i lost mine a few yearts back and its one of the hardest things anyone can go through. I know it sounds like empty words but it does get easier with time. She will always be in your thoughts and in your life.

      • No words are ever empty, and thank you sincerely, sorry btw, i am still learning this whole comment-world and i’m commenting all out of order 😉
        ps: apropos to nothing, as I have the Doctor Who marathon on in the background BBCA, I can’t believe it’s the seried finale already! (love Buffy most but Doctor Who? Love this show!) ack! less than 15 minutes! I may have to give this my full attention because season finale!!!! (it’s the little things that make me smile)

      • What series are you on? Are you watching Matt Smith ones? Sorry to say it but i dont watch Doctor Who at the moment, i dont like him much. I used to watch as a kid (everyone did, it was the law), then when it came and i loved Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant but ive gone off it now. It is a hell of a show though. Douglas Adams (my alltime writerly hero) was a script editor on ther show in the 70s and wrote a couple of episodes – so if it has his seal of approval then it must be good 🙂

  3. I think I like Matt Smith because he was my introduction to Doctor Who, love David Tennant just as much but I still have so much to catch up on with the good Doctor….hmmm, trying to think how to say this without spoiling….let’s just say unless I misunderstood the season 7 finale, you might be tuning back in for season 8, regenerations and all that 😉
    And yay Douglas Adams!!! Sounds like he is to you what Joss Whedon is to me 😀

    • i heard somewhere i think that he was leaving so its not a spoiler! the regeneration thing is great, it’s allowed the role of Doctor to be something an actor can do for a bit and then move on without the show ending. And everyone accepts it so you know if you dont like a certain doctor then another one will be along soon. bit like Bond i suppose.
      PS calling it season 7 makes me smile when the show started about 50 years ago 🙂 but yes, i guess its the 7th season since the reboot

  4. You always make my day

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