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Friday Fictioneers – Altitude

26 July, 2013

Time for a weekly dip into the world of 100-word fiction, courtesy of Rochelle. This week’s prompt pic fired off a few thoughts:

and now you can read the idea I ran with.


He had told me the risks of stopping at this altitude, but I stood and I looked. Across the invisible valley to the next distant peek. Across the delicate white clouds, changing and swirling imperceptibly slowly, but which could transform into lethal storms in minutes.

I knew now why he loved this peak, why he took those risks to experience such highs again and again. I turned to see him standing next to me, and I felt an intense satisfaction that I had accompanied him on his final ascent.

I opened the urn and tipped it.

He drifted slowly away.



  1. Brilliant. It amazes me how you can convey so much in 100 words, I felt every single emotion as I got to the end, I was thinking about this same exact thing, wondering how I will be able to do the same thing for my Mom down at Cape May, knowing it’s something I need to do for her. I especially love this line ” I turned to see him standing next to me, and I felt an intense satisfaction that I had accompanied him on his final ascent.” Just beautiful, you moved me to tears in 100 words. Thank you for writing this, it’s perfect.

  2. Morbid Insanity permalink

    I liked it. It made me imagine the scenes and create a little movie in my head. Beautiful, RG!

  3. Really well-written and you conveyed the emotions so well. (“Peak”, rather then “peek”, BTW.) I like this a lot.


  4. Beautiful! I think this is one of my favorites this week. Nicely done!

  5. petrujviljoen permalink

    Touched me heart it did!

  6. Nicely done.

  7. DearTRG,

    One of the best I’ve read this week. Beautiful and poignant.



  8. I sat there just gazing at the clouds as I passed by them. I am used to watching clouds fly over me blocking me from the sun but today I am passing over them. They are beautifully reflective like snow is on a sunny day, yet softer than snow. They are the same clouds but different depending on perspective.

    As I sat 35,000 feet above the earth I thought about you, where you were, what you might be doing. Somewhere, you were below me the closest I’d ever been to you….yet still so very far. My perspective limited.

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