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Friday Fictioneers: Buewix

3 July, 2015

Rochelle‘s prompt pic is a brilliant one this week, so full of potential:


I can’t wait to read how everyone has interpreted this one. Here is my 100-word effort. Not so much as beginning-middle-end as a single scene…


I gestured with my thumbnav and my virtucon appeared before me. “Infosegment please, Byte.”

“Historians tell us that Cartomobiles, as the ancients called them, were once as popular as our Transpods today. But Buewix is the only site where examples survive.”

“Do you know what Buewix was built for?”

The exact purpose of Buewix is unknown, but many thinkers believe it was a calendar marking a significant date. The specimens align to sunrise on April11th – the birthdate of Clarxonn Jeremys, whose ancient texts spoke of great worship for the Cartomobile.”

“Do you believe that?”

“It can’t be a coincidence.”


  1. Great take on the prompt, I love a good future snap shot!

  2. A modern take on the discussions which have always surrounded Stonehenge, but then I guess that’s what you had in mind! Nice one/

    Visit Keith’s Ramblings!

  3. micklively permalink

    Very funny. I can think of better (i.e. less flattering) tributes to Jeremy though.

    • Thanks Mick. It’s not the tribute I’d have chosen either. But was it a tribute that the builders of Buewix had in mind or is that the assumption the future historians made?

  4. Haha! What a great take on the prompt! You’re right – this one does have a lot of potential. I’m sensing we’ll have a myriad of different responses. 🙂 Nicely done. Side note, do you think it will ever come to this, in the future? That somehow records of our life now and human knowledge now will be lost and scientists and historians will be trying to uncover the secrets of their past, and our present?

    • Hi miss T. All we know about the past is based on assumptions and applying today’s logic and values to what evidence we have. I’m sure we get a lot wrong and there is much (eg stonehenge) we don’t understand. I have no doubt the future humans will be the same

    • Regarding records being lost… Technology moves on – cassettes, videos, floppy disks are already obsolete. Digital copies and cloud storage will go the same way and then how will the future historians view our present culture? paper never becomes obsolete but we use it less and less..

      • It’s a little scary to think about, really. I prefer hard copy, myself. Though sometimes I question if I really want my journals to last the ages…

      • You’re right, it is scary and I think it’s a bit arrogant of modern humans to think they are always improving the world when they/we quite clearly aren’t!
        All the files and posts on wordpress for example are just one server unplugged in error by a cleaner away from disappearing forever…

      • Couldn’t have said it better myself! And isn’t scary how much information we put out into cyberspace….and then just forget about? What about MySpace and all those accounts we make once and never use again? It’s incredible how much information is put out there and is just floating out there in cyberspace…and how fast it can be destroyed!
        Fascinating subject, to be sure. Great that you wrote such a thought provoking piece!

      • You’re right, we scatter all those little parts of ourselves throughout the cyberworld, assume and trust they are all being looked after… and then forget about them.
        Thanks for an enjoyable debate Miss T, who would have thought all this would come from a pic of some cars in the ground…

      • You’re welcome! I love when stories grow like this. 🙂

  5. 🙂 Clarxonn Jeremy’s ancient texts speak of many things. Too much, too often. Great take on the prompt.

    • I have managed to avoid reading any of the sacred texts of Clarxonn so far but I’ve seen enough (too much) of him on the telly to know what I think of them!

  6. I knew you were a gentleman of discernment! 😉

  7. Great little sci-fi piece. “…worship for the Cartomobile” Ain’t that the truth? And now they keep time. Very original and creative take.

  8. Carhenge indeed. Fun take on the prompt. (Do the cars also work as a sundial?)

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