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Friday Fictioneers – Bridge

28 October, 2016

Frific this week is brought to you by the number Four.

I like four, it has symmetry. As do all even numbers of course, but four is a step above. Squares and rectangles tesselate. The most simple three-dimensional structure is the four-sided pyramid. And four is the only number where you can add, multiply and power the same numbers to get the same answer; 2+2, 2×2 and 2 to the power of 2 all equal four.

But all that is true every week of course (maths is like that, it always behaves the same way). This week is a big Four week because it is FOUR years since the Queen FriFic crown passed from Madison to Rochelle.

Without Rochelle’s hard work and dedication, FriFic simply wouldn’t happen. Prompt pics like this one



from Peter Abbey wouldn’t appear in inboxes around the globe, and eager FriFicers wouldn’t write their 100 words each and share them in the People’s Republic of Frogtopia. So, people, let’s stand and give our loyal and loving leader a standing ovation for Four wonderful years. Long may she reign!

Here is my effort this week:



Since I was a lad I’ve loved standing on the bridge as the trains passed below. Waving to the driver then closing my eyes; feeling the ground, the bridge, the air, shudder from the train’s terrifying power .

A few years back, though, the council enclosed the bridge, spoiled my enjoyment. It wasn’t safe; people – some tragically, some deservedly – were falling to their deaths on the tracks.

Now, I like standing in the multi-storey carpark, gazing down to the solid, grey expanse of pavement below.

And closing my eyes while people – some tragically, some deservedly – fall to their deaths.

  1. Oh gosh… What an ending…. I am without words

  2. That …. is very clever

  3. Oo er! Nice ‘Did he/Didn’t he?’

  4. Dale permalink

    Oh well done! Love your take on the prompt… though train tracks are more hypnotic than cement carparks…

  5. Awesome story that ends with a punch!
    I also appreciate Rochelle’s efforts and my favorite number is 4.
    So this is a terrific post as far as I am concerned. 🙂

  6. Dear RG,

    Both your intro and your story are winners this week in my book. Your tribute warms my heart and makes me blush. Thank you.
    As for your story, I have to wonder if the narrator isn’t helping some of those deserving and undeserving…?



  7. Euuw! I understand about your satire of the Nanny State though. Its incredible isn’t it when we go to other countries in Europle, no one puts railings around cliffs – they just expect people not to be stupid.

  8. Excellent work. A little nudge in the right direction to help those falling people…

  9. Well, train tracks trump car parks, four to one. Delightful take on this weeks picture. And the intro ain’t half bad either. Kudo.s

    • Thanks very much Alicia. It was one of those that wrote itself! It all came ot me pre-packaged, i just had to trim the word count and it was done

  10. A strong write with a good ending taking us unawares, well done . I noticed there seems to be several responses with dead people or talk of death, i wonder if it is the mossy walls reeking either side…

    • Thanks for reading and for commenting Ellen. I haven’t had a chance to read everyone else yet but I’m interesting to see that some us had similar thoughts this week

  11. Great take on the prompt and a good point. There’s always going to be somewhere for the determined to jump from, you can’t enclose our whole lives.

    • Thanks Michael.
      Indeed, if someone wants to jump they will jump, or find another way. But if putting an obstacle in the way stops some for long enough to reconsider then I say it’s a good thing. And if it prevents accidents (and “deliberates” in the case of this narrator!) then even better. IMHO obviously.

  12. Life Lessons of a Dog Lover permalink

    I liked your intro it was like meandering with purpose. I also like your story. I disagree with some of the comments I don’t think that your character being drawn to the danger necessarily means he/she is suicidal.

    • Thank you! Meandering is an approrpriate word, that’s what my posts tend to do if I don’t have a word limit!
      I don’t see the narrator as suicidal – rather that he had a helping hand in the deaths of those falling. Were they suicides? Did he kill them? I’m not 100% sure, but he was there and he got pleasure from them

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